Neo-fascist Dutch pol speaks at anti-Muslim rally

zondag, 12 september 2010 om 00:00
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Het optreden van Wilders in New York in de buitenlandse pers:
Salon: Neo-fascist Dutch pol speaks at anti-Muslim rally, the anti-Muslim, anti-Park51 rally near ground zero is now over, and it was the carnival of extremist right-wing politics that everyone expected it to be.
Liberation: A quelques encablures de Ground Zero, le leader d'extrême droite néerlandais savoure son triomphe. «Laissez moi commencer par une seule chose: pas de mosquée ici, pas de mosquée ici». Ils étaient mille cinq cent, deux mille peut-être a être venus écouter Wilders samedi après-midi, au sud de Manhattan. L'extrémiste batave était «l'invité spécial» de l'organisation ultra-conservatrice «Stop the Islamization of America», qui depuis des mois mène la bataille contre le projet de construction d'un centre islamique près du site où on été attaquées les Twin Towers, le 11 septembre 2001. «New York et la charia ne sont pas compatibles»
Frankfurter Allgemeine: An der Demonstration der Moschee-Gegner beteiligte sich auch der niederländische Rechtspopulist und Islamgegner Geert Wilders. „Wir müssen hier die Linie ziehen“, sagte er in einer Ansprache. „Wir dürfen denen, die uns unterwerfen wollen, nie die Gelegenheit dazu geben.“ New York dürfe nicht ein „neues Mekka“ werden.
Christian Science Monitor: Quran-banning advocate Geert Wilders heads to ground zero
Washington Post Blog: The headline speaker at the rally is none other than Geert Wilders, the neofascist Dutch parliamentary
BBC: The radical Dutch politician Geert Wilders addressed one demonstration, calling for an end to the plans.
TPM: Wilders, called "a modern-day Churchill" by rally host Pamela Geller, quoted Abraham Lincoln: "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." "These important words are key to our survival," he added.
Wall Street Journal: Mr. Wilders, the leader of the anti-Islamic Freedom Party, drew some of the loudest cheers as he questioned the motives of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, a partner in the Islamic center project
New York Times: Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician who tried to ban the Koran in his country, described Islam as an intolerant “power of darkness,” saying, “We must draw the line, so that New York, rooted in Dutch tolerance, will never become New Mecca.”
Bron(nen): Salon