Januari t.m. juni 2010 warmste aller tijden

vrijdag, 16 juli 2010 om 00:00
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Sinds we op aarde systematisch de temperatuur bijhouden is het niet warmer geweest dan de eerste zes maanden van 2010. Dat bijhouden gebeurt sinds 1880 en het warmste halfjaar tot nu toe was dat van 1998. Maar dat rekord is het afgelopen half jaar met 1.19 graden farenheit royaal gebroken. Op onderstaande kaart is te zien dat het bijna overal warmer was dan gemiddeld in de periode 1971-2000: rood is warmer, blauw kouder. De kans is heel groot dat het jaarrekord er ook aangaat. Dat dateert van 2005. UIteraard is met het feit dat het ene warmte record na het andere wordt gebroken niets bewezen over het broeikaseffect. Dat kan uiteraard een complot zijn van linkse wetenschappers. Maar warm wordt het wel.
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msnbc.com updated 7/15/2010 5:53:10 PM ET
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Global land and ocean surface temperatures in the first half of 2010 were the warmest January-June on record, the federal climate service reported Thursday.
January-June temperatures averaged 57.5 degrees Fahrenheit — 1.22 degrees F above the 20th Century average, according to the National Climatic Data Center. Its records go back to 1880.
That broke the previous record of 1.19 degrees F above average set in 1998.
In addition, last month was the warmest June on record at 61.1 degrees F — 1.22 degrees F above the 20th Century average.
2010 has also surpassed 1998 for the most "warmest months" in any calendar year, the center stated.
"Each of the 10 warmest average global temperatures recorded since 1880 have occurred in the last fifteen years," it added. "The warmest year-to-date on record, through June, was 1998, and 2010 is warmer so far."
The warmest year on record is 2005, but that record could fall as well.
The center also reported opposite ice developments on opposite sides of the globe:
   Arctic sea ice covered an average of 4.2 million square miles during June — "10.6 percent below the 1979-2000 average extent and the lowest June extent since records began in 1979. This was also the 19th consecutive June with below-average Arctic sea ice extent."     "Antarctic sea ice extent in June was above average, 8.3 percent above the 1979-2000 average — resulting in the largest June extent on record."
The center, which calls itself "the largest active archive of weather data," gets monthly updates from national weather bureaus around the world.
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Bron(nen): NBC