Politici opgelet: de dodenlijst van de Engelse moslims

vrijdag, 05 november 2010 om 00:00
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Revolutionmuslim.com was de website die Roshonara Choudhry noemde als haar belangrijkste inspiratiebron waarom ze probeerde onlangs een Engelse minister om zeep te brengen met een mes. Het is een schokkende site. Niet alleen wordt haarfijn uit de doeken gedaan welke politici niet deugen, bijvoorbeeld omdat ze stemden voor de inval in Irak, maar ook waar je hen kan vinden, wanneer ze openbare spreekbeurten hebben in hun district, of speekuren, waar iedereen kan binnenlopen. Er worden adressen genoemd waar je de meest geschikte messen kunt kopen om iemand de keel door te snijden, kortom: een soort montesori-terrorisme, leer het de jonge moslim extremist zelf te doen. De site is nog in de lucht. Hij wordt gehost vanuit de VS. Over de opmerkelijke achtergrond van de drijvende kracht achter de site (hij begon zijn leven als jood), zie hieronder. in het algemeen geloven wij van Welingelichte Kringen niet erg in censuur. Die heeft zelden tot iets goeds geleid en heel vaak tot iets kwaads. Maar als je een kwartiertje op revolutionmuslim.com bent geweest, dan ga je zelfs aan dat principe twijfelen.
Zoals gezegd: minstens een verwarde geest heeft inspiratie geput uit de gebruiksaanwijzing en een moordaanslag gepleegd (mislukt). Of er ook een Nederlandse lijst online staat is niet bekend
The group of 5-10 members devoted to Abdullah el-Faisal was run by Yousef al-Khattab, born Joseph Cohen, an American Jew who converted to Islam in 2000 after living in Israel and attending an orthodox rabbinical school there, then returned to New York,[2][4][5] where he is said to have worked driving a taxi,[6] operating a pedicab,[7] or running a restaurant.[8] In December, 2009, al-Khattab said he would be temporarily outside of the United States during a protest outside his home in Woodside, Queens planned by the Jewish Defense Organization, after al-Khattab expressed support for Nidal Malik Hasan, accused of the Fort Hood shooting. On December 12, 2009 al-Khattab posted a video on the group's website announcing that he had retired and that the group would be run by Abdullah as-Sayf Jones.[9] However on April 2010 Abdullah as-Sayf Jones, now known as Abdullah Ali Zulfiqar, left the group after openly proclaiming that he had become a practitioner of Sufism and eventually embracing Shia Islam.[10][11]
In addition to their website, the group distributes anti-Israeli literature outside of mosques.[4] The mosque has called the police several times on the group, but has reported no actual violence.[12] Legal and law enforcement officials in the US monitor the group, but describe its activities as protected by the First Amendment.[4] The Anti-Defamation League has monitored the group since 2006.[4][13]
In 2010, The founders of Revolution Muslim posted a statement from Anwar al-Awlaki, connected to various terrorists including the 9/11 hijackers, the Fort Hood shooter, and the Christmas Day 2009 bomber, on their blog that warned, "America cannot and will not win. The tables have turned and there is no rolling back of the worldwide Jihad movement."[14]
Mia Bloom, political science professor at the Pennsylvania State University’s International Center for the Study of Terrorism, says Revolution Muslim may look amateurish when compared with other extremist websites, but is no less of a threat. “It may lead people who become radicalized by it to turn to other, more dangerous Web sites,” such as those run by terrorist organizations, she said. She characterized their message as “narrow” and “misinformed”.[6]
Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, stated regarding the Revolution Muslim group, "[It is] an extreme fringe group that has absolutely no credibility within the Muslim community. In fact, most Muslims suspect they were set up only to make Muslims look bad. We just have very deep suspicions. They say such outrageous, irresponsible things that it almost seems like they're doing it to smear Islam."[15]